

This is a system to facilitate the provision of quality health services to refugees in refugee camps. The solution is divided into three modules, an android application, a USSD application, and a web application. All three communicate to achieve efficient communication between the health workers, the refugees, and Kenya Red Cross.

The android app can be used by both the CHV and the refugees to report health issues to the relevant authorities. It automatically picks up the location of the person reporting the case, to facilitate tracking. It also has the ability to remind the patients of their appointment days, or when to take their medication. On the CHVs’ side, it is able to flag defaulters. The USSD app acts as a backup to the android app. It is used to report emergency cases, where it picks up the user details and their geographical locations. The USSD app will be useful where there’s limited internet connectivity, and for users with feature phones. The admin web app is used to track patients’ progress, alert health workers of the defaulters and analyze the reports from refugees and CHVs, such that, outbreaks can be flagged early and appropriate measures to be taken.

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Charles Darwin

From so simple a beginning, endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been and are being created